Installation view of Renegades and Reformers. Photo by Jaime Young.
Help us preserve the precious works of art on view, so that all may enjoy them in years to come. Your assistance in complying with these policies is very much appreciated.
Professional practices prohibit museums from making appraisals. Please refer to the Appraisers Association of America.
Due to the Museum’s limited staff resources and large of volume of artist’s submissions and exhibition proposals received, the Everson is unable to respond individually or to return proposal materials. Please note that the Everson’s exhibitions are generally planned several years in advance and by invitation.
The Everson welcomes donations of art that advance its mission and expand or strengthen existing collections. All donations must undergo curatorial review before acceptance. If you would like to donate a work, please send a detailed description of the object along with photographs to Assistant Curator Steffi Chappell, [email protected]. The Museum’s curatorial team and collections committee will determine if the object is appropriate for addition to the Museum’s collection. Due to space and staff limitations, the Everson may not be able to accept every quality donation offered to the Museum. If the object is accepted, the donor is responsible for obtaining an appraisal for tax deduction purposes.
For information about rights and reproduction permission contact Karen Convertino, Registrar, [email protected]. While the Everson can grant permission to use images owned by the Museum, it does not guarantee permissions from the copyright holder, which are the responsibility of the user to secure. Please note, fees may be applicable and vary based on available photography.