Everson Winter Art Camp 2024

winter art camp 2024February 19-23, 2024

Ages 8-12
$244 Members | $305 Non-Members

Discover art like never before at our Winter Art Camp 2024—where students explore the Everson Museum and create their own masterpieces inspired by our renowned permanent collection and art exhibitions.

Students will use a variety of mediums such as watercolor, clay, textiles, and more to create museum-inspired artworks.

Unleash your creativity this winter with us!

register for winter art campEverson Winter Art Camp Registration Form  (Required)

Scholarship opportunities are available. Click here to fill out an application.

See the Camp Policies and Procedures section below for information.




(315) 474 6064 x324

Important Information and Required Forms

Camp Forms

Camp Policies and Procedures


The Everson Summer Art Camp reserves space in each of our classes for financial-based scholarships to remove barriers of access to our camp, and museum resources. The Scholarship Application Form can be found here. Please contact us at education@everson.org or call (315) 474 6064 x324 with any questions. 

Drop-Off and Pick-Up 

  • Drop-off is between 8:45am–9:00am. Please notify the Everson if you are running late. Guardians may be asked to pay a $10 fee if child is dropped off significantly past this time period. Guardians must physically walk their child inside of Education Center and will be asked to sign-in. 
  • All students must be picked up between 4:00–4:15pm. Please notify the Everson if you are running late. Guardians may be asked to pay a $10 fee if child is picked up significantly past this time period. Guardians must present a photo ID for the Everson to release the child. More details about pick-up authorization can be found in our Camp Protocols section. 
  • The closest bus stops to the Everson is at South State St. & Harrison St. The following transit lines have routes that pass near S. State St & Harrison St: AUB38 , SY36 , SY52 , SY58 , SY62 , SY82 , SY88.

Camp Protocols 

  • Only authorized adults will be allowed to pick up your child from camp. The Everson will under no circumstance release a student to a babysitter, nanny, other guardian, or friend unless we have written permission from a primary guardian. The presentation of a photo ID is required for us to release a child during pick-up.  
  • Campers will receive snack and lunch breaks. Please pack a lunch that does not need to be refrigerated. The Everson will provide a small, individually bagged snack and juice box. Due to food allergies, sharing of snacks and any nut-based products are prohibited. Campers should bring their own water bottles each day as there will not be access to a water fountain. 
  • Art camp can get messy! Please have your child wear appropriate attire. 
  • Anyone who feels ill, is running a fever, or is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, must stay home. If anyone should test positive for COVID-19, please notify the Museum immediately so proper health measures can be taken. 
  • Unless you have specific permission, guardians may not stay during the camp. It can be distracting for students. 
  • If a student demonstrates disruptive behavior, teachers and staff will try to positively redirect that behavior. If the inappropriate conduct continues, the guardian will be notified and may be asked to pick up the student. 
  • On the first day of camp instructors will lead campers on an emergency preparedness and evacuation drill.

Refund Policy 

  • No refunds are available less than two weeks before the camp begins.
  • We are unable to initiate a refund after the course begins.
  • No refunds or credits will be issued for missed camp days.

Cancellation Policy 

The Everson reserves the right to cancel any camps with low enrollment no less than a week before the class. The Everson has the right to cancel camp sessions if two or more campers from separate homes test positive for COVID-19. Funds are transferable to another course or will be 100% refunded. If the Everson must cancel camp due to COVID-19 the museum will refund for days missed.

Medication and Allergies 

  • Fill out the Medication Authorization Form and deliver electronically prior to when the camp begins. This form is an editable PDF. You can download, add in your information, save it, and then email it to education@everson.org.   
  • Deliver all medication to the Education Office in the original prescription bottle or in clearly marked containers with a second printed copy of the Medication Authorization Form attached to the container.   
  • Verbally communicate with camp Director and staff regarding specific instructions for medication.  
  • Medication will be held in the Education Center office.  
  • Medication given throughout the day will be recorded on a Medication Log Form which will be signed by camp Director at the end of each day.   
  • Campers with allergies must fill out the Allergy Information Form and deliver electronically prior to when the camp begins. 
  • Guardians of campers with Epi-Pens or inhalers must also fill out the Medication Authorization Form 
  • Epi-Pens will be kept in a red first aid bag that will be within 5 feet of camp instructor at all times. While our staff is trained to administer Epi-Pens, all campers age 8-12 will be expected to be trained on self-administering.

Everson Winter Art Camp DEAI Statement

    • The Everson Winter Art Camp curriculum will include activities, themes, topics, and the presentation of contemporary and historical artists and artworks from a non-Eurocentric perspective, centering the curriculum on cultural appreciation rather than cultural appropriation.   
    • The Everson Winter Art Camp will employ teachers and teaching assistants from a diverse array of backgrounds, allowing our campers to learn art from individuals who not only look like themselves but who can teach art from a diverse array of viewpoints.   
    • The Everson Winter Art Camp will educate its teachers with the tools and training they need to combat inequalities in their classroom to ensure our students feel safe and respected.    
    • The Everson Winter Art Camp will acknowledge, honor, and respect the indigenous peoples connected to the land on which we gather by including their stories and experiences within hyperlocal activities or discussion.   
    • The Everson Winter Art Camp stands behind and supports the ability of campers to use bathroom facilities and pronouns that align with their gender identity.  
    • The Everson Winter Art Camp will not tolerate any bullying along the lines of race, class, gender, or ability that could cause children, staff or parents to feel physically or emotionally unsafe.  
    • The Everson Winter Art Camp will diversify its outreach practices to offer our camp content and museum resources to a large array of constituents in our community.  
    • The Everson Winter Art Camp will hold space in each of our classes for financial-based scholarships to remove barriers of access to our camp and museum resources.

clay snowmen