Support Learning and Engagement at the Everson


Your Support Will Make a Difference

support learningWhen I think about learning and engagement at the Everson, I often think about relationships. Everyone who comes through our doors develops a relationship with the Museum — and it is our job to create opportunities for those relationships — and to think critically about the impact of them.

To develop these relationships, we often use our architecture, renowned permanent collection, and incredible contemporary art exhibitions as starting points for engaging experiences, such as youth classes and tours, outreach programs, adult workshops, and public programs. In essence, the Everson’s objects and exhibitions don’t exist independently, but are defined by the relationships our audience cultivates with them and the experiences that they generate.

Some relationships I’ve seen this past year includes refugees who can experience a precious slice of home through our global ceramics collection; local artists becoming better and more empowered educators through teaching opportunities we offer; young people coming to a museum for the first time through our fifth grade tour initiatives and coming back with their families; teenagers pursuing a career in the arts after being a part of the Everson Teen Arts Council; LGBTQ individuals building community in our education center by attending queer programming; university students using the Everson as a platform to raise money for at-risk youth and artists in Ukraine; community groups using the Everson as a site to talk about the future of our city; and so many more dynamic interactions that allow the Everson to become more than just a place to look at art, but a place to have a memorable experience.

Cultivate Curiosity
These experiences allow us to fulfill our mission of cultivating curiosity and developing lifelong learners. One experience leads to another, and the relationship grows.

Funding to support these learning and engagement initiatives and experiences translates to allowing thousands of people in our community to have a relationship with the Museum, and the arts, which we wholeheartedly believe contributes to a more vital and inclusive society.
— Adam Carlin, Director, Learning & Engagement

Support Learning and Engagement at the Everson