Video art emerged as an art genre during the late 1960s and 1970s, at which time the Everson avidly began a video collection. Today, the museum maintains one of the...
Video art emerged as an art genre during the late 1960s and 1970s, at which time the Everson avidly began a video collection. Today, the museum maintains one of the...
Tree of 40 Fruit In partnership with Syracuse University’s Connective Corridor, the Everson Museum of Art is excited to present the Tree of 40 Fruit, part of an ongoing series...
The Everson began collecting contemporary Japanese ceramics in earnest in the mid 1970s, an experimental period when artists were applying geometric forms and conceptual strategies to traditional materials and forms....
Portal: The Window in American Photography On view through April 18, 2021 Empty openings or panes of glass in houses, vehicles, skyscrapers, or storefronts, windows are portals to and from...
From Domestic to Divine: Andean Ceramics from the Permanent Collection On view through May 2, 2021The ancient Andean civilizations of South America were strikingly diverse in their religious beliefs and...
In 1911, the Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts (known today as the Everson) made history as the first museum in the country to declare that it would focus on collecting...
Thomas Spoerndle: Polyrhythmic Landscape Thomas Spoerndle, American (b. 1984), Polyrhythmic Landscape, 2018,Gesso, Acrylic Paint and Gloss Varnish on Canvas, Colored Pencil and Acrylic Paint MarkerIn celebration of the Everson’s 50th...
Elliott Katz Elliott Katz, American (b. 1983) Other Planet, 2018 Tree trunks, 12,000 toothpicks, one-way mirror, LED illumination, theater gel, archival pigment print on Tyvek, steel, aluminum, and hardware Sea...
Lacey McKinney: Reconfiguration On view through February 28, 2021 Using portraiture as her point of departure, Lacey McKinney examines themes of identity and embodiment through the human face and figure....
Virtual MFA Artist Panel Discussions Free, 6:00pm, Available on Zoom September 30 and October 21 Appositions features work by recent graduates of Syracuse University’s Studio Arts MFA program in the...