Everson Statement on Israel and Gaza

peace yoko onoThe mission of the Everson Museum of Art  is to foster dynamic and meaningful encounters with modern and contemporary American art, engage diverse communities, inspire curiosity and lifelong learning, and contribute to a more vital and inclusive society. Over the last several days, we have witnessed with sorrow the tragic events in Israel and Gaza directly impacting our Syracuse community and now posing a threat to our collective safety and well-being.

Heartbreaking reports of hundreds of innocent civilians losing their lives to acts of terror have shaken us all. Whatever our religious beliefs or political views, we should be repulsed by the atrocities committed by Hamas and denounce the senseless taking of innocent lives in both Israel and Gaza.  

Those in our community who have family members, friends or acquaintances who have been killed, who are missing, or whose lives hang in the balance are left grappling with a deep sense of insecurity. That insecurity and fear is compounded by antisemitic and Islamophobic organizations that have seized on the crisis in the Middle East to propagate hate against Jewish and Muslim members of our community, bringing fear and instability even closer to home.   

peaceIn these circumstances, the despair can run deep. However, we believe that in our Syracuse community there is hope for unity—that we can hold differing political and religious beliefs while treating one another with humanity and compassion; that we can engage in difficult conversations with sensitivity and compassion for our neighbors.   

As a cultural institution deeply rooted in our community, we pledge our support for those in our community whose lives have been upended by this week’s events, Israelis, Palestinians, and Americans. We urge all those who care about Syracuse to join us in demonstrating care, concern, and consideration for those in our community who are hurting, and to staunchly resist those who would sow hate in the midst of human pain and suffering.


Installation images from the exhibition YOKO ONO: REMEMBERING THE FUTURE, which was on view from August 31-October 27, 2019

Yoko Ono

Yoko Ono
WISH TREES, 1996/2019

Living trees, paper tags with string, table to write wishes, writing tools; artist’s instruction piece